The 2021 BIOEAST Foresight Report highlighted the structural problems in the bioeconomy related education and skills development in the Central and Eastern European macro-region. The lack of human resources in higher education and research means that it could become one of the main bottlenecks to accomplishing the goals of the European Green Deal. The BIOEAST Initiative fully acknowledges the importance of the coordinated approach and tackle the issue of bioeconomy education in the BIOEAST macro region, the TWG Bioeconomy Education (TWG BE EDu) was established in 2020 to meet the specific macro regional education needs of the BIOEAST macro-region. Its main goal is to maximise the efforts in increasing knowledge sharing, networking, mutual learning, development of joint activities and events. TWG BE EDu initiated the establishment of the BIOEAST Bioeconomy University Network – BIOEAST Uni Net. Six universities from Central and Eastern Europe signed a Memorandum of Understanding on developing common research and innovation agendas and working together on common priorities to further enhance their curricula benefiting the next generations in December 2022.