The role of the FORUM is to connect designers, architects, students, entrepreneurs, researchers, practitioners, local government and other related, but also seemingly unrelated areas. The purpose of such a broad-spectrum connection is to find new ways and possibilities in solving individual design and architectural problems for the benefit of business development in these areas. The purpose of this platform is to solve conceptual and practical issues that currently go beyond the separate disciplines of design and architecture. At the same time, the forum aims to connect design experts and entrepreneurs with other areas of business and thus help develop their individual goals. The FORUM should be an agreement, an open communication platform and a membership base that will be a supporting activity for the creation of upcoming activities of the KC - SPU.
The first and current interdisciplinary topic (in the preparatory phase of the FORUM), on the solution of which we are testing an appropriate way of functioning and institutionalizing the FORUM, is: Specifics of planning and design of public spaces in rural and periurban environments. The city district of Nitra – Dražovce was chosen as the first case study.
Composition of the participating consultation group (the consultation group was selected and addressed with an emphasis on the issue being addressed and the specifics of the chosen area)– urban architect, architect – author of the unrealized development project of Dražovce, architect of the spatial plan, department of culture of the city of Nitra, expert in development projects, representative of the church from Dražovce, representative of the teaching staff of the Dražovce Elementary School, representative of Manifest 2020 (on the topic of the New European Bauhaus), garden and landscape architect, garden and landscape architect (from the non-profit sector), garden and landscape architect, designer, rural development expert, local development expert, rural project management expert.