At the creative center, we like the latest technologies. That's why we decided to present Agrokomplex at this year's fair also through digital technologies. We used an intelligent digital panel with a graphic LCD display, a so-called kiosk, and aromatization of the space around our stand.
The information kiosk was designed to attract passing visitors through a striking graphic depicting oranges and draw their steps closer. A running presentation informed interested parties about our future activities and provided them with basic information, including contacts.
An integral part of the exhibition was an aromatization unit that released the scent of fresh oranges into the space at regular intervals. Its task was to keep the visitor's attention on the panel, which not only informed, but also interactively collected feedback thanks to predefined questions. Based on biometric facial scanning, we were able to determine the relevance of a given answer from in terms of attention, perception of the question itself and the corresponding answers (for example, choosing a positive answer with a disgusted facial expression).
Aroma marketing is becoming increasingly popular around the world. Scents create lasting memories that people subconsciously retain, and olfactory sensations are remembered for years. Smell is the only sense that is directly connected to the part of the brain that controls our behavior, certain types of memory, and emotions. Therefore, smelling a scent evokes immediate, direct, and subconscious emotional reactions.
Most global research has confirmed that visitors to appropriately scented spaces perceive the quality of products or services as higher, are willing to pay more, or spend more time in the spaces without realizing it.
We are aware of this scientific knowledge at the creative center and want our activities to be as effective as possible, also thanks to the use of tools such as arohmarketing, biometric facial recognition for feedback, and interactive technologies.