On May 26, a presentation of six projects that emerged from the university's coworking center took place. Iof the Design Thinking incubation program implemented by the Creative Center of SPU.
"With a healthy lifestyle, we can prevent chronic diseases by up to eighty percent. That is why we want to educate young people, prepare various activities in which we will provide them with professional information on this issue in a simple and understandable form. We have prepared various information leaflets, posters, we plan to organize workshops and reach target groups via social networks," said Jaroslav Pásler, a student of the Human Nutrition study program at the Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, who outlined the intentions of the winning project called VITRUVIAN. He forms the successful team together with his classmates Andrej Adámek, Lenka Fillová and Natália Zajíčková.
Second place went to the No food waste project, which aims to educate people to prevent food waste, and third place was awarded by the expert jury to the UniSlow project, in which students are trying to connect the business and academic environments. Other projects – SPU connect, Povegetuj and Nelenivci – were also related to sustainable, so-called green entrepreneurship and brought interesting ideas that have the potential to succeed as a business. They are looking for new and perhaps untested ways to solve such topics and problems as connecting students with each other, highlighting the importance of greenery in the city, or motivating people to consistently play sports. "You perceive and solve social problems, and with the results of your solutions you have the opportunity to influence your surroundings, your future, and the lives of your children," said Michal Abelovič, a member of the jury and member of the SUA Board of Directors, to the students, and wished them much enthusiasm and vigor. It is important for students to develop entrepreneurship, economic thinking and skills necessary for employment. They will be able to further develop their innovative ideas thanks to the infrastructure that KC SPU offers.The winning projects received an interesting prize in the form of participation in the important startup festival Fifteen Seconds in Graz, Austria, of which SPU in Nitra is a partner for the first time. One of the themes of the festival is sustainability.