Activity name: Hackathon of the Creative Center of SPU and ČSOB
Hackathon of the Creative Center of SPU in cooperation with JCI (Junior Chamber International Slovakia and ČSOB) is a 3-hour marathon of creative thinking, creative ideas and innovations. Participants can work in a team with ČSOB representatives and invitedmy professionpresent their proposals to improve services to the public and an expert jury CSOB.
Aimed at students with entrepreneurial ambitions who have innovative and creative thinking and want to have a new experience. Entrepreneurial and creative skills are certainly welcome, but they are not a requirement.
The program is taught by: Marián Meško – Executive Chairman of JCI Slovakia and Miroslava Juráčiková – Brand Manager of ČSOB, as
Detailed information about the event: A challenge for non-entrepreneurs
You can register for the event here: Login form
- Event date: June 13, 2023
- Venue: SuPerUni CoWORK SPU in Nitra, Štúrova 3, Nitra 949 01
- Participation fee: 0,- EUR
- Application deadline: 10.6.2023
- Call publication date: 1.6.2023